Volume XI Issue 1 (2021)
By: Justin Malzac
By: Ari B. Rubin
By: Caroline Elyse Burks
Letter from the Editor
Dear Readers,
The National Security Law Brief is excited to publish the first issue of Volume XI. The Brief went through a long winter under the challenges posed by the unprecedented pandemic and the civil unrest in the country. Nonetheless, all staff of our student publication firmly believed that this was a critical time to continue and expand upon the discuss on national security law and policy. We therefore dedicated ourselves to make meaningful contribution to the field.
This issue spotlights key national security threats emerging from different realms. Our first author, Justin Malzac, discusses the threat of ever increasing international cyberattacks and explores how domestic law can be effectively used in cyber defense and response. Ari Rubin analyzes the attenuation doctrine and explores how intelligence agencies' extralegal interrogation can threaten the proper judicial procedure. Caroline Burks studies the threats of the third-party code to the national security interests and advocates for utilizing new regulations to combat such threats.
Each of our authors contribute to salient discussion on the rising issues within the field, and we hope you find these discussions as riveting to read as we did. Stay safe and healthy.
Thank you very much for your support.
Very Respectfully,
Karen Kim