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Summit on Plan for Afghanistan Yields a Strategy for Afghan Forces to Take Control Over Five Years

A summit in London has adjourned with a plan for Afghanistan’s future that envisions Afghan forces taking control of some provinces by the end of 2010, the BBC reports. The summit, attended by President Hamid Karzai, UK Foreign Minister David Miliband, and US Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, among others, aimed to join the military and civilian resources of all the coalition partners to create and support a clear political strategy for President Karzai over the coming years. Coalition countries have pledged $140 million for the first year of the plan so far. A statement released at the end of the conference said the transfer of power process could be complete in five years.

The plan includes aspects such as increasing numbers in the Afghan army and police service, launching an aggressive campaign to win over moderate Taliban members, and combating corruption by making aid contingent on the reports of an oversight office.

Secretary Clinton explained, “This is not an exit strategy. This is about assisting and partnering with the Afghans.”


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