Blood can be seen on the floor of this cell at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq. Via WikiCommons/Truthout.
The Pentagon is blocking the public release of photos allegedly depicting the abuse of Iraqi and Afghan prisoners in U.S. custody. The Pentagon originally set to make these images public after the U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals for the Second Circuit ruled in 2008 that the photos must be released. Last month, however, Congress passed a homeland security appropriations bill that gave the Obama administration specific authority to block the release of any of photographs taken of people captured or detained in overseas military operations between September 11, 2001 and January 22, 2009. Defense Secretary Robert Gates urged the Supreme Court to dismiss the lower court ruling, claiming their release would endanger U.S. troops currently abroad. The ACLU is expected to continue to fight for the release of these photographs.
For more reading, click here CNN.
To read the Government’s brief filed with the Supreme Court, click here SCOTUSBLOG.
To read the ACLU’s open letter for the release of the photos, click here ACLU.