Sheikh Daud Ali Hasan, a senior level commander of the Somali insurgent group al-Shabab, was shot and killed while exiting a mosque situated near the Kenyan edge of the insurgent territory. He was in charge of the front line in a town near the border. Witnesses say that the men that shot the commander were masked individuals, but al-Shabab claims that they have apprehended the suspects though they refuse to name them.
Rival insurgent groups, like Hizbul-Islam, could be behind the killing. Immediately after the assassination, Hizbul-Islam launched an attack on al-Shabab. Both of these groups had been unified in the fight to take Mogadishu, Somalia’s capital. However, after al-Shabab took control of a town initially controlled by Hizbul-Islam, the groups began to fight with each other.
Read more at the BBC.