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China Responds to US Cyber-Accusations

Responding to recent criticism by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton, China’s Foreign Ministry has urged the United States to curb allegations that China restricts internet freedom in the country.  Secretary Clinton’s remarks came after a series of cyber-attacks on Google’s computer systems, believed to have been perpetrated from within China.

With tensions running high, China insists that the matter should not become a U.S.-China issue, and that Google should seek a remedy under Chinese law.  At the same time, China continues to state its desire to increase international cooperation to combat hacking.  Citing a commitment to freedom of speech  rooted in the Chinese Constitution, Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu asked that the United States stop attacking Chinese internet policy to avoid harming bilateral ties.

As the United States increases diplomatic pressure on China to reign in cyber-crime within its borders, some are asking that the United States bring the matter before the WTO.  It is believed that a WTO decision might be more readily accepted by China than unilateral U.S. pressure, and may avoid direct confrontation between the two nations.


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