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British Leader States His Objection to Sending Troops to “Fight Foreign Wars”

David Cameron, leader of Britain’s Conservative Party, has announced his objection to sending “British troops to fight foreign wars.” Cameron leads us to believe he disapproves of former Prime Minister of Britain and member to the Labour Party, Tony Blair’s decision to engage in the War on Terror. Cameron stated that Britain’s authority over world affairs is too much for its country to handle. He suggested, therefore, that Britain’s values would “not [be] impos[ed] on others,” but instead would be an example to all.

Cameron is quick to point out that Britain “isn’t equipped to deliver homeland security.” He believes that too much money has been given to China, a country with the fastest growing economy, instead of being given to a country like Yemen ridden with poverty, war, and drought. But under Cameron’s plan, a National Security Council would be established to bring help to conflict-affected areas. Currently, British efforts are hindered because staff of the Department for International Development cannot be sent to the most dangerous, yet needy areas.


Read more about David Cameron.


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