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Apr 26, 20102 min read
US Forces Increase in Prelude to Kandahar
US Special Forces have increased their activity in Kandahar, the spiritual capital of the Taliban, in advance of what will be a larger...
Apr 12, 20102 min read
Obama Administration Hosts Nuclear Security Summit
The Obama Administration is hosting a two-day summit on nuclear security beginning today in Washington, DC. The summit is the largest...
Apr 5, 20101 min read
Taliban Claim Attack on US Consulate in Peshawar
The Tehrik-i-Taliban Pakistan militant group claimed responsibility for a coordinated attack on the US Consulate in Peshawar, Pakistan....
Mar 29, 20101 min read
U.S. Hacker Sentenced to 20 Years
U.S. hacker Albert Gonzales was convicted of three counts of computer fraud and will serve 20 years in prison. Gonzales was a part of a...
Mar 22, 20101 min read
Afghan Insurgents Begin Talks with Karzai
A delegation from the Hezb-e-Islami group has initiated talks with President Karzai in Kabul in what is now the first confirmed direct...
Mar 15, 20101 min read
US-Israeli Relations Enter Serious Crisis, Likely to Affect Peace Talks
Israel officials recently announced plans to build of over 1,500 new homes in Ramat Shlomo in East Jerusalem. The settlement plans were...
Mar 1, 20101 min read
New IAEA Chief Takes Hardline Towards Iranian Nuclear Program
In his first board meeting as the new chief of the International Atomic Energy Agency, Mr. Yukiya Amano made clear that he does not...
Feb 22, 20101 min read
New Israeli Drone Can Reach Iran
The Israeli Air Force has unveiled a new fleet of unmanned aerial vehicles that have the capacity to fly missions for over twenty...
Feb 22, 20101 min read
US Narrows In On Chinese Cyber Security Threat
The Financial Times has reported that US investigators are narrowing their search for the author of malicious code which recently...
Feb 15, 20101 min read
Operation Moshtarak Continues to Force Taliban from Strongholds
Nato and Afghan officials reported that Operation Moshtarak, the largest military coalition attack since the Taliban fell in 2001, has...
Feb 15, 20102 min read
Clinton Fears Revolutionary Guard Has Supplanted Iranian Government
In a recent talk with university students in Qatar, Secretary Clinton stated that she fears the Revolutionary Guard has gained enough...
Feb 8, 20101 min read
Iran Announces Increased Uranium Enrichment — U.S. Suggests New Sanctions
Iran’s nuclear chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, announced on Monday the country’s plan to increase uranium enrichment levels to 30%. The country...
Feb 8, 20101 min read
Chinese Government Shuts Down Hackers' Website
The Chinese government recently shut down Black Hawk Safety Net – a website with paid and free-based subscription services which provided...
Feb 1, 20101 min read
Israel Disciplines Military Officials Over UN Compound Attack
Israeli officials have admitted responsibility for an artillery attack which caused a UN compound in the Gaza strip to catch fire. In a...
Feb 1, 20101 min read
Female Suicide Bomber Targets Pilgrims in North-east Baghdad
A female suicide bomber detonated a set of explosives hidden under her garments killing at least 40 and injuring more than 100 civilians....
Jan 11, 20101 min read
Obama holds out on troops to Yemen
President Obama stated that he does not plan on sending any US armed forces into Yemen. Focus turned to Yemen after a Yemen-based...
Jan 11, 20101 min read
China again urges against US arms sales to Taiwan
China’s Xinhua News Agency reported that the recent announcement of US arms sales to Taiwan by way of contracts with Lockheed Martin and...
Nov 30, 20091 min read
Iran Announces Plans for Expanded Uranium Enrichment
On Sunday, Iran, in refusing to comply with U.N. demands to halt work on a once-secret enrichment plant, responded by announcing plans to...
Nov 30, 20091 min read
Revolutionary Guard Given Control of Persian Gulf
Iran has given control of the Persian Gulf and the Strait of Hormuz to the Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps Navy, IRGCN, from the...
Nov 23, 20091 min read
Israel and Hamas Closer to Prisoner Exchange
Amid the backdrop of recent missile strikes exchanged by Israel and Palestine, it appears that the two governments are on the verge of...
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