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Mar 28, 20183 min read
The Guantanamo Bay Executive Order
By: Rachel Bauer Guantanamo Bay will continue to stay open and active. On January 30, 2018, President Trump signed an Executive Order,...

Nov 17, 20101 min read
First Guantánamo Detainee Tried in Federal Court is Aquitted
The first former Guantánamo detainee to be tried in federal court, Ahmed Khalfan Ghailani, was convicted of one count of conspiracy to...
Nov 3, 20102 min read
Bombs Sent from Yemen Raise Question about Guantánamo Detainees
As far back as May 2009, President Obama and the CIA were trying to coordinate with the governments of Yemen and Saudi Arabia to plan the...
Oct 27, 20101 min read
Second Detainee Convicted Under Obama Administration
Omar Khadr, the Canadian pick up off the Afghan battlefield in 2002, when he was 15 years old, was convicted Monday as part of a plea...
Jul 9, 20102 min read
Al Qosi Pleads Guilty in Guantánamo
Ibrahim al Qosi plead guilty to the two charges of conspiracy and material support of terrorism. Â This is only the fourth successful...
Apr 23, 20101 min read
Last Guantanamo Uighurs reject resettlement in Palau
On Thursday, the five remaining Uighurs detained at Guantanamo again petitioned three federal appeals judges to be released into the...
Apr 7, 20101 min read
Focus Shift for Guantanamo Detainees
In Boumediene v. Bush the Supreme Court ruled that Guantanamo detainees have a right to challenge their detention.  Since Boumediene more...
Apr 2, 20101 min read
Guantanamo Prisoners Get Laptops
The Washington Times reports that the Pentagon allowed five al Qaeda prisoners detained in Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, the use of laptop...
Feb 11, 20102 min read
UK Release of US Interrogation Tactics ‘Not Helpful’
Against the wishes of the British government, a UK Court of Appeals ordered the release of classified US intelligence information on the...
Jan 22, 20101 min read
Mixed Fates for Gitmo Detainees
The Obama administration failed to close Guantanamo Bay by its January 2010 deadline. Now the administration has announced that it will...
Jan 16, 20101 min read
US Government Considering DC as Location for Gitmo Trials
According to the Associated Press, the Obama administration is looking into the possibility of holding a criminal trial for Riduan...
Jan 14, 20101 min read
What We've All Been Waiting For: The Reach of Boumediene
In Boumediene v. Bush the Supreme Court held that alien enemy combatants detained in Guantanamo Bay have a right to Habeas Corpus, and...
Jan 14, 20101 min read
What We’ve All Been Waiting For: The Reach of Boumediene
In Boumediene v. Bush the Supreme Court held that alien enemy combatants detained in Guantanamo Bay have a right to Habeas Corpus, and...
Dec 25, 20091 min read
Gitmo detainees to be repatriated
Six Yemeni Guantanamo Bay detainees are to be repatriated. The decision to send the Yemeni detainees back to their home country is...
Dec 6, 20091 min read
Judge Denies Expansion of Charges at Gitmo
Nearly a year after President Obama suspended military commissions at Guantanamo Bay, hearings began again this week to amend charges...
Dec 2, 20091 min read
Four Guantanamo Detainees Transferred to Europe
The Obama administration took one step closer to closing Guantanamo Bay by transferring four detainees to several European countries on...
Dec 2, 20091 min read
Terrorism Suspect Asks Judge to Dismiss Charges, Citing Torture and Undue Delay
Citing a long wait for trial and abuses suffered while in detention, Ahmed Ghailani’s lawyers on Tuesday sought to have his case...
Nov 2, 20091 min read
Obama Administration to Provide Gitmo Detainees H1N1 Vaccine
In addition to the political and administrative challenges facing the closure of Guantanamo, the Obama Adminstration may face further...
Oct 20, 20091 min read
Supreme Court to Hear Uighur Case
AFP is reporting that the Supreme Court will hear Kiyemba, et al., v. Obama, et al. regarding the power of federal judges to release...
Oct 15, 20091 min read
Lithuania Yet to Decide on Guantanamo Inmates links to an article by the RIA Novosti news service, on Lithuania’s delay to accept Guantanamo inmates. Dalia...
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